Dr Raj Khillan is a pioneering leader for healthcare in the Victorian multicultural community by increasing the accessibility of healthcare and creating a platform for medical professionals trained overseas. In addition, he is an astute businessman who has achieved exceptional height in award winning medical business (Western Specialist Centre). Western-Specialist-Centre vision is to provide an unparalleled experience of the most trusted specialist health services delivered to women and children in Australia.
*Dr Khillan is a:
• Director Western Specialist Centre ( https://www.westernspecialistcentre.com.au/) • Board Director, Tweddle Child and Family Health Services (https://www.tweddle.org.au/about-us/our-people/)
• Senior Paediatrician; -Western Health
• Senior Paediatrician and Neonatologist St Vincent Hospital, Werribee
• Former Paediatric Discipline Leader at Melbourne Clinical School, Notre Dame University. • Examiner of Royal Australasian college of Physicians
• Member; Overseas Trained Physician ( OTP) subcommittee for the Royal Australasian College of physicians
• Chair -Australia India Chamber of Commerce and Industry
• Head, Health Chapter, Australia India Business Council *
Dr Khillan is an exceptionally qualified professional drawing upon his qualifications and experiences from India USA, UK, Australia, Switzerland, and Saudi Arabia to inform his clinical practice as a paediatrician. He uses his multilingual skills to cater for the social and cultural sensitivities of our community.
With 25 years of experience from many culturally diverse countries ( India, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, UK, Australia), he has revolutionised the provision of multi-disciplinary healthcare through the creation of Australia’s first combined Women’s and Children’s Health Clinic which provides specialist services from multiple locations. Western-Specialist-centre has grown rapidly from 2 specialists 5 years ago, to 25 specialists providing wide range of services to the multicultural community. Being one of the fastest growing specialist-centre, maintaining the high-quality specialist services, within five years WSC have rapidly expanded to multiple locations.
Dr Khillan has been working hard to create awareness in multi-cultural community about the health related-issues which are poorly understood due to lack of awareness and associated cultural taboos. These issues have now been made part of our community’s public agenda through the Healthcare Awareness Society of Australia ( HASA) in several newspapers, SBS/ABC-radio and You-Tube, where articles, videos and podcasts specific to healthcare issue of multi-cultural-society are being regularly broadcast-ed
Dr Khillan has worked to create bipartisan political support for issues pertaining to healthcare of our multi-cultural community and doctor community. Dr Khillan has been a staunch advocate of philanthropic projects in Australia & India by providing medical expertise and fundraising for it.
Dr Khillan is a board member of multiple Non-profit-organizations.
Board-of-director, Tweddle Family and Child Health Services
• Member, Victorian Regional Committee of Multicultural Department of Victoria • Executive Members and past general secretary Overseas Medical Graduate Association, • Multicultural Association of Community Empowerment (https://www.facebook.com/ourmace/ • President, Healthcare Awareness Society of Australia
• Founder, Doctors against domestic Violence Group
As a member of multiple non-profit organizations Dr Khillan has increased the membership of these organizations by organizing corporate relationship with multiple businesses. Under his guidance these organizations host regular social events, including fundraising-events, raising awareness of Maternal Health, several cultural dinners, regular educational conferences, and a Health-Education campaign being run and broadcasted by the media. These events regularly draw upon a multitude of other cultural organizations within the local community. Through this, he is helping to dismantle barriers the public may face in accessing healthcare services by making doctors more approachable within our community.
Under his guidance OMGA has created a networking opportunity for doctors and provided a forum for the collaboration of ideas on how to better healthcare services.
Dr Khillan has worked to create bipartisan political support for issues pertaining to healthcare of our multi-cultural community and doctor community. On a larger scale, WSC has been a staunch advocate of philanthropic project by providing medical expertise to multiple projects and have fundraised over $30000 for the Chennai-Fiji Floods, Nepal-Earthquakes and East-Timor. Along with OMGA, Dr Khillan have raised over $50000 for Australian bushfire in 2020 to Premier-bushfire-Relief -fund.
His work in the inception of Medical Education program is of note – this is a training program that provides education conferences to GPs by highlighting common culturally based healthcare issues. These are of particular benefit to the multi-cultural community, as they highlight the idiosyncrasies of our population in Australia, promote diversity in clinical medicine and facilitate culturally appropriate medical practices.
** Dr Khillan has been awarded with multiple awards **
• Small Business Champion Awards (SMCA) (Professional services)-2019 https://businesschampions.com.au/finalists#winners
• India Australia Business & Community Awards (IABCA) (Small Business of The Year)-2019 • LinkedIn Spotlight: Most viewed and engaged members in Australia-awards-2019 • https://www.businessinsider.com.au/12-most-viewed-linkedin-profiles-australia-2019-11 • Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence 2017
(https://www.multicultural.vic.gov.au/images/2017/2017-VMC-Awards-for-Excellence Program.pdf) https://www.indianlink.com.au/victoria-multicultural-awards-excellence/ • Wyndham Business Awards 2019
• IABCA (Small Business, of the Year)-2017
• Small Business Champion awards (Professional services)-2017
• Wyndham Business Awards 2019 (finalist)
• Indian Executive Club-Executive of the year Male -2016
• Indian Executive Club-Executive of the Year Female 2018
LinkedIn profile; https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-raj-khillan-md-frcpch-fracp-63abb115b/